POTCO Looting Wiki

Nautilus Blade

The Nautilus Blade is a Famed Cursed Blade that can be obtained the Raven's Cove Story Quest. After you finish the Raven's Cove Story Quest there are 3 blades you can choose from: Nautilus Blade (Cutlass), Bitter End (Sabre), and Spinecrest Sword (Broadsword). It has Cursed Thunder, Critical Strike and Flourish Boost. Like all cursed blades it has a black shadow that follows every swing. It has a very similar appearance to Whalebone Blade, Doom Rattler and The Dark Mutineer. This is a great Cutlass for ANY pirate.

  • Attack: 71
  • Cursed Thunder (Rank 2), Critical Strike (Rank 2), Flourish Boost (+2)
270px-DavyJones E

Credit to POTConline Wiki
